I just had to resurrect the PAS (Prius Anticipation Syndrome) thread. THE CURE: Make plans for your next vaction. Man, it works wonders. I started planning a vacation for next summer (a bit ahead of time because I am using airline mileage), and I went for at least 36 hours without obsessing over my January Prius delivery! I didn't even log in to PriusChat on Saturday!!! :lol: BTW: I am traveling to Japan. Anyone taken any of the Toyota tours in Nagoya. Is it worth the trip? I wasn't planning any travel south of Tokyo...but if its really good....
You are deluding yourself. You are in denial. It is very temporary. Soon all the symptoms will return. Stay close to us. Down load the Owners Manual then Prius New Car Features. Commit booth to memory. It will help there is no cure.
Oh no, I'm afraid I am going to suffer from PAS for at least two more months... :angry: Based on what the dealers are telling me in the So. Cal. area I can expect to wait until at least February (although I've already been called twice, once for a 2005 silver, once for a 2006 silver, but Jan. 1 is too good to pass up). I've personally contacted 25 area Toyota dealers, of which more than half add a markup or only keep first-come first-serve lists. Of those left, I'm on a "list or two." I guess I will manage to wait, but I'm going to resist downloading the manuals until at least after Christmas!!
Tee hee! Is that what I am suffering from??? We ordered our '06 Prius yesterday and I have been perusing every Prius site I can find today.
Are you sure you're a Doc, and not a descendant of the Marquis de Sade? :huh: (Didn't know the Doc thing until you revealed it in your little repartee with Signboy ---though I'm sure other PC oldsters did.) If I tried to memorize the Owner's Manual now, I'd forget most of the people I'm intending to send Xmas cards to this week.