The Dutch national eight o clock news on tv just had a 2 minute report on the Prius brake problem. It stated: "Toyota is having a hard time, and has been getting bad publicity world wide now that a lot of models are being recalled due to accelerator problems. The Prius, the Toyota flagship is now also under fire due to a supposed brake problem." Then a 'man in the street' was interviewed about the problems Toyota is experiencing. His response: "Well, I guess that happens to all brands every once in a while". Then the anchorwomen (I think that is typically Dutch) let the public know that "that is very true". A list of brands and the number of recalled cars that brand recalled over the last year was shown. I was very pleasantly surprised with the positive comparison. :cheer2:
I'm confused by the statement in bold? Is this a typo, or was something lost in translation? Toyoyota has NO problems getting bad press right now.
It looks like there is a comma missing between time and getting, should be 'hard time, getting bad publicity
Ohhh, news that is positive - that would be sooo nice here in the US. If only we could actually look at something from an objective viewpoint or at least discuss both sides without insulting each other...
Yeh, those big wooden shoes probably keep you guys from feeling the brake problem. Try stopping a Prius wearing a pair of Nikes and get back to me... (I'm just kidding...)
It certainly is a nice change from the anti Toyota hysteria in the US media and from grandstanding politicians. The forum posts I see for many of the articles are filled with people who clearly have a chip on their shoulder about "foreign" cars and post the most uninformed stuff imaginable. In the end it won't change my view of Toyota as far superior in quality to the "Big 3". I've purchased new cars from each of the big 3 and they were all maintenance and safety disasters ranging from simply not moving to catching on fire. Then I went to Toyota. My last Toyota (a Tacoma) was flawless for 11 years and had a great trade in value. The new Prius has also been flawless. Those are the hard realities that will keep Toyota going for a long, long time. No amount of advertising or overblown reporting will change that.
Toyota may have a lot on its shoulders right now but because of their long reputation of great quality and their size as a company, I have far more confidence in them successfully solving their problems than many if not most companies. There's just too much riding on their ultimate results from a public relations point of view much less from a liability and financial one.
That certainly beats the absolute fear based reporting that I just watched on KCAL9 here in Los Angeles. To listen to this "Stand Up" Moron, I refuse to use the word Reporter, ANYBODY WHO DRIVES TOYOTA IS GOING TO DIE. I am so fed up with this crap! Fear based reporting just does not work for me. I find it competely amazing that they will put absolutly anybody on the air with an opinion, valid, invalid, correct, or not, I mean why let some actual facts mess up a good fear based story! How any HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of cars are out there worldwide, and how many have ACTUALLY had a problem. Much less a death. Yeah I know about the loaner van with extra loose foormats that killed the family. Who put the extra mats in, the stupid dealership, not TOYOTA. "Be the first one on your block to have your boy come home in a box, Whoopie were all gonna die" Arlo Guthrie
+1. You would have to pay me to drive most of the offerings from the Big Three. The fact that the domestics have to rely on patriotism to sell its goods means the products can't compete. Toyota is too proud to let this set them back. They will emerge a better car company.
For us non-US readers: The Big Three are General Motors, Ford and Chrysler. [ame=""][/ame]
Thank God they will have to confront this problem. I just heard on fox news that Toyota will have to deal with this problem.
The death rate has been 100% for at least a couple millenia or so. Yeah, I drive a Toyota & I expect to die.
Yes, that is typical of the Dutch, for whom, as a Brit, I have a high regard. They don't scare easily and look at the world very objectively and rationally. I wish I could say the same about today's USA. After 47 years of living here, I have to say the tendency by many Americans to see the world in increasingly fearful terms is palpable; and the media just multiplies the paranoia willfully it seems. The Internet chatter just adds more to it.