Some are recommending you "Freeze" your credit reporting status with the three major bureaus after the Equifax breach, here's the start page for all three companies: TransUnion: Locking Your Credit Report | TransUnion Experian: Security Freeze Center at Experian Equifax: Equifax | PersonalIDInfo
Nice idea, and thank you for the links, but when I spotted this: I thought "…hullo, hullo, hullo! Wot's all this then?" …and proceeded to run in the opposite direction! (BTW: Thanks @Mendel Leisk for the snippety-snoo tricksy!)
Equifax fees vary by state. See this pdf. Expirian rates linked on this page, bu state. Security Freeze TransUnion fees are here. Credit Freeze Information by State | Credit Freeze | TransUnion
If affected, you might also want to consider applying for a US IRS PIN. Oh, another recent breach on Time Warner Cable... Lucky me! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
It is implied Equifax may not be charging for freeze, temporatily. A Progress Update for Consumers - Cybersecurity Incident & Important Consumer Information
Freezing your credit does nothing for your information and only stops new accounts from being added to your credit file. Old creditors will still have access to it and a hacker can easily order a new card in your name because they have all the information needed. Like every other data breach thus will be old news in about a month and everyone will forget about it as usual. There's a great forum for credit info but I'm not sure of it's allowed to post here. If it is let me know. SM-G935P ?
I just saw this article. Security Freeze vs. Fraud Alert - Consumer Reports Apparently, there is another credit bureau that does not share with the others Application Error PriusChat messed up the link. Use my next post.