Crazy Neighbors Bad Behaviour Escalating

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by priusmaybe, May 14, 2007.

  1. priusmaybe

    priusmaybe New Member

    Apr 25, 2007
    2007 Prius
    I live in a 1948 Condo that I bought in 1991. I have the perfect location. I have the lowest taxes for something in this area. I don't want to move, but I have been looking. I can't afford much that is out there. Nothing has the same location, architecture, space for the money. I really can't afford to move at this time in my life.

    About 5 years ago, 2 former Vietnam Vets (supposedlly both wounded) moved in. They have been nothing but trouble. I was aware early on that they were Alcoholics. Their disease has progressed. I have always avoided them since the first drunken tirade I witnessed.

    It is too involved to get into everthing that they have done to me. They don't like me to water my plants or clean my porch with an hose that is on common property. I also use this to wash my car. They have made this into a major situation. Our condo board has told me that they were informed that I had a right to use the hose.

    They come outside and cuss at me with an increasing frequency. They are insane, screaming, cursing, attacking me on all fronts including looks, condo decor, porch furniture, my visitors, and any other off topic thing they can spew.

    They rant that I have called the condo board on them over the years. I never have, until they took my hose about a month ago. I told them I would be glad to meet with them and the condo board.

    They do not want a discussion, or to get along - they just want a fight.

    Today I was pruning shrubs around my unit (we have a quirky association that hired new landscapers that don't do anything). One of them came outside and said "Good, I see you are trimming the bushes, we have had to do that too. I said hello, yes I am. I went on with my trimming. Then the drunk said why don't you decorate you porch? Why don't you throw out your trash (I had just put 2 Kroger bags of junk mail outside.

    The other drunk came out and started in on me again. Why did I not let the landscapers prune? (I can assure you, I would welcome it). They wanted to know why the board paid for my window treatments (they have not). They feel they (the drunks) paid for my window treatments. (not true). Then they started on the personal attacks. I won't get into it.

    There is no reasoning with them. They progressed quickly to cursing, yelling and sceaming at the top of their lungs.

    I went inside and got some water. I went back out 30 minutes later to finish pruning, and they both came out screaming. I went to my back door, and one followed me throwing my hose at me. I told him, if he said one more word to me, that I was going to call the police. Lo and behold a new Board of director was on his balcony witnessing this. After the drunk went in, I walked over and told the board member, that I wanted them to write a letter, that these guys are violating the noise ordinance, invading my privacy, and I should not have to live like this. He agreed. Then all of a sudden Drunk #2 rounded the corner and started sreaming, and approaching me/ "Who are you talking to?" he screamed. I said this is a board member, why don't you complain to him about me?" Then I went back in.

    These guys are usually drunk as skunks by about 8:00 p.m. I avoid them like the plague. I have changed where I park, so I don't have to go between their unit and mine. I am really afraid of nuts like this. I am afraid if I make a big deal to the condo board or police, I will get further harrassed.

    I am really sick and tired of these guys. I cannot enjoy where I live. I have caught one of them peering in my windows. They seem to know all of my comings and goings, etc. It is starting to be scary.

    I live alone, don't make noise, rarely have company and I am private, keeping to myself and minding my own business.

    Advice? I am cooling down, because I am about to call the police.
  2. dragonfly

    dragonfly New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
    I am so very sorry about what you are going through. I don't have any good advice, just putting my support out there for you. If I think of something constructive to suggest I'll come back.
  3. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    I say that you should call the police. Especially since you have a board member witness.

    At the same time, have a friend with a video camera capture some of their antics on video. Nothing speaks to an authority figure more than actual video evidence.

    Then get a restraining order. If the board kicks them out, they will be upset and face it, they know where you live.
  4. hyo silver

    hyo silver Awaaaaay

    Mar 2, 2005
    off into the sunset
    2004 Prius
    Yes, call the police. Anytime and every time they are abusive or threatening, call them again. Document their behaviour extensively and present it to your condo board. Talk to some of your calmer neighbours who are in a position to witness these antics and see if they might be willing to take notes too. Have somebody take photographs if they can get away with it. There's absolutely no way you should have to put up with this. Your alcoholic neighbours should be evicted ASAP.

    edit: Hey, Tony. Great minds think alike, eh? ;)
  5. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    If 'twere me, I'd start with a formal complaint to the condo board. Start a chain of documentation. Dates, times, events that occured.

    If they every throw something at you or make direct threats at you call the police, file a report and get a restraining order of some sort.

    I like the video idea, but I think any careful record of times and events, even if just hand written on paper will take you a long long way. Maybe a web cam set up in the window?

    In the mean time, keep your own nose squeaky clean...never yell back. Never make a threat, never try to be intimidating back.
  6. morpheusx

    morpheusx Professor Chaos

    Mar 6, 2007
    Akron, OH
    2011 Prius
    It sounds to me like they like harassing you for fun. Unfortunately I dont think there is much you can do if the board has no power to remove them.
    I on the otherhand have the opposite problem I bought a house alot smaller then I wanted because it was the only way I could afford to live in a quiet neighborhood, but sometimes it is hard knowing that I could have a home twice the size for half the price if I would have been more willing to deal with that type of stuff. I guess I still would rather live here where I dont have to lock my car doors or house, and I can leave my garage door open when I leave and never even have to think about my tools and equipment walking away.
  7. dragonfly

    dragonfly New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
    Are they causing trouble for anyone else?
  8. robincx

    robincx "Fear is the mind killer"

    Feb 21, 2007
    North Boston, NY
    2007 Prius
    That's a tough one. You really can't keep on living under these circumstances, it's inhumane, your sanctuary has been assaulted. It sounds as though you've been beyond enduring and reasonable. Tape them, if you don't have a video camera, use your cel phone video or rent one. Get them on tape. Keep a log of all disturbences. Let your board know - formally. Notify the police. The board must enforce this if you have the footage to support their behavior.

    All my best, and keep us posted here as to the progress of this issue.

  9. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    that's terrible! what about using a tape recorder or something to record their rants at you? that hopefully would be more subtle than video and maybe enrage them a little less, making it easier on you for now while you collect evidence.

    i wonder if they've got some psychological damage from the war... i know of a number of iraq vets who have pretty severe PTSD. that is still no excuse for their actions, btw, i'm just wondering aloud if they could eventually be sentenced to some mandatory counseling or something.

    i lived with someone very much like that for 15 years so i can empathize with you. i really hope you are able to resolve this and have a little peace!
  10. priusmaybe

    priusmaybe New Member

    Apr 25, 2007
    2007 Prius
    These guys have shown up at the annual board meeting drunk and obnoxious. I don't go to most of those meetings anymore. We have had a lot of new people move in. I am not sure who has had run ins with them. They seem to like me (a 5'4" female as a their target).

    I have not ever yelled at them or cussed them. I foolishly have tried to reason with them.

    Several folks are aware of their behaviour. This is not the friendliest place, and most people mind their own business. I have tried to ignore these guys, because they drink and pass out around 8:00 p.m. They manage to work (I know one does) and are gone during the day.

    I am starting to hear them fight between themselves more and more. I need to get a recorder/camera.

    Today, a new board member saw them in action. To a point, it is out of the hands of the board, except for any rules and bylaw violations (noise is one of them).

    These guys own their unit too. Mine is paid for. This is not luxury by todays standards, but is nice. I live in a 1700 square foot townhouse that needs rennovating. I am right in the middle of the city, near everything I like to do. I don't want to live in suburbia in tract housing.

    I don't want to get in a war with them. They have stolen things from me, called the department of motor vehicles, when I had a friend from out of state staying here for a month to report out of state tag.

    I have tried to just ignore them. They party, smoke pot, etc. I have noticed not many friends come to visit them anymore. They used to have big parties.
  11. Wildkow

    Wildkow New Member

    Jan 24, 2006
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusmaybe @ May 14 2007, 07:30 PM) [snapback]442096[/snapback]</div>
    Document everything they do and say. Get a webcam with microphone so that you can record some of the confrontations. Write up a description of what happened the other day and get the Board Member to sign it. Absolutely notify the police. These guys sound like bullies. If harassed again confront them in an assertive but non-aggressive manner (bullies usually back down when confronted) and not only tell them how you feel (fearful) but tell them that you will defend yourself and your rights. Get a restraining order that will prohibit them from interacting with you. Get a dog, 50+ lbs. Get a Louisville Slugger (bat) for the front closet. Learn how to defend yourself its not that hard to do. Put an alarm system in the unit and have a remote that will activate the alarm. Get the phone numbers of the Board Members and call them each time these bullies start acting up. Livelychick would probably suggest a Taser which is not a bad idea but remember there are two of them, so a stun gun will probably be a better idea since it can be used multiple times. If you think they could become physically violent other options are available.

  12. ozyran

    ozyran New Member

    Apr 15, 2007
    Wow, I'm not so sure I could stand it if I were in your shoes! I would definitely, at some point, report them to the police. Unfortunately, unless you want to move to a different location, it looks like it may be out of the board's control, especially since they own their own place.

    Best of luck to you - my prayers are with you.
  13. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Sucky neighbors . . . well . . . suck! <_<

    Don't sit there like a victim. You need to be proactive.

    1) You need to be calling the police on their asses.
    2) Get a restraining order against them. With all the witnesses you have, it should be a slam dunk for a judge to grant you one.
    3) Call the police on them some more . . . every . . . time.
    4) Pressure the condo board to have them kicked out. Without the added ammo of 1-3, the condo board has little to go on.

    In the meantime, I'd be greasing the wheels. I'd be secretly dropping off weekly "peace offerings" ;) of massive quantities of hard alcohol.
    Who knows, they may think of it as a sign of friendship on your part - and they may actually leave you alone. But they will be pickling their livers all that much quicker. ;)
    ( ooh, I'm cruel. :lol: Bwaaah Haaahaaaahaaaaa :lol: )
  14. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusmaybe @ May 14 2007, 10:23 PM) [snapback]442134[/snapback]</div>
    I will add to the above about documentation, formal complaint to board, then repeatedly calling the police and getting a restraining order.

    The fact you are a female adds the facet of harassment. Your condo rules may have a clause regarding sexual harassment. I think their intimidation could come under that definition. Once it's documented they get a cease and desist. Then if they violate, it's the police and a restraining order. If they violate that, it's arrest.

    They own their unit? The board can fine them. They don't pay, eventually their unit can be ceased. That's extreme but I think it can be done. A lien can certainly be put on it for unpaid fines.

    If you can document any stealing or vandalism, that should be reported to the police. Every time.

    They smoke pot? You call the police and report them. That's against the law. They should be arrested and there should be a record of it.

    What do you have to lose? They already believe you're reporting them when you're not. That means someone else is reporting them. Someone else is also fed up with their behavior.

    Time to fight back. Don't talk to them. Don't acknowledge them. But...document everything and call, call, call. Time to start to complain. Who would the condo board rather have living there? You...or them? It could very well be they are more than willing to act, they just need someone to complain and start the process. That is your responsibility not only to yourself but to your neighbors.
  15. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    You need to tape them and send the tape to Bush and show him what the war is doing to your country's soldiers. (with all due respect to those who have sons/husbands in Iraq). Blood and war can do some crazy psychological things to perfectly normal people.
  16. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusmaybe @ May 14 2007, 09:30 PM) [snapback]442096[/snapback]</div>

    That's peeping Tom behavior. Grounds for arrest and restraining order.

    You might even be able to make a case for stalking. Again....restraining order.

    Yes, you need to start calling the police.

    And document everything.

    Start now with everything that has happened. Try to remember dates and times best you can. Review it periodically and you'll remember more. Add it. Revise. Refine. In the future be sure to note date, time, who, witnesses and exactly what happened. You don't need a webcam or photos. If you have a detailed diary it would be hard for them to defend themselves. Time for you to take control of your life.
  17. ozyran

    ozyran New Member

    Apr 15, 2007
    You know, your first best move is to seek legal counsel in the matter. That would give you your best avenue to set foot in. Then go about such things as a restraining order, gathering evidence, and pressuring the board into having these fools evicted. It sounds like they could be costing the place good, valuable business.
  18. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    At the very least, they are lowering property values to the neighbors around them in the complex.
  19. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusmaybe @ May 14 2007, 11:23 PM) [snapback]442134[/snapback]</div>
    apparently they need more pot. :lol:

    [yes... it was intended to make you smile, but on the serious side marijuana has immense potential as a PTSD therapy and is commonly used as such- albeit illegally. which is why i bring it up.]
  20. Screaming Red

    Screaming Red Two Pri Wannabe

    Apr 4, 2007
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    So sorry to hear about your troubles.

    Perhaps you're thinking about a nice Rottweiler...for companionship?