The crank pulley pin seems to have sheered off on my 2009mprius while I was doing the timing chain. Not sure how I did it, but is sheered off almost flush with the shaft. How does one remove the old one and install a new one? Sigh....
If someone is really good with Tig or Mig, then weld a small (thick-ish) washer to the pin stub. Build up the metal blob some and weld it to a bit of threaded rod (or cut down bolt). Use a socket or sleeve over the rod and a nut to pull the pin out. Or attach the rod to a small slide hammer. Next idea. If the pin isn't too hard, use a dremel with a small stone to make a center divot in the end of the pin. Then very carefully drill it out (the steel pin will still be harder than the iron crankshaft). Last resort. It looks like the pulley is neutral balanced. Grind the pin flush. Turn the pulley so the hole doesn't line up with the old pin. Carefully use the pulley hole as a guide to drill a new pin hole (gotta figure out the correct size). Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.