I haven't seen any more rumours about a coupe version of the Prius. Perhaps the prospect of the CRZ will drive some? I suspect that they are currently too wrapped up in speeding the new version to market, amongst other things??
I think right now, with auto sales being the way they are, the last thing on their mind might be to try and introduce yet another model into its lineup... And don't coupe sales sell in much less numbers than sedans do? It just seems like a smarter busniess decision to get the new one out into the market and focus on that for now. But I'm sure it could still be a possibility sometime in the future.
Just found an article that mentions Honda said in its press release, that it will bring the new CR-Z-based hybrid to production by 2010, "in the effort to achieve full-scale market penetration of hybrid vehicles." So who knows now, maybe with Honda having a hybrid coupe on the market Toyota will try and follow suit... Here's the link for the article: http://rumors.automobilemag.com/645...-brings-cr-z-to-production-by-2010/index.html