T-minus 7 days and counting. All systems are go and the board is green. This is the final mission for this experienced, 2-person crew. The crew had the final meeting with mission control today at the launch site. There is some concern that visitors and press may overwhelm what was supposed to be a covert launch.
T-minus 5 days and counting. There was a yellow light on the board as one of the crew members hadn't decided on launch attire. The light is now flickering green as she has made a (tentative) decision to don the spacesuit she wore at her daughter's launch this summer.
T-minus 3 days and counting. All systems remain go. The relocating crew member has confirmed that there are no large pieces of mission-critical equipment that need to be moved pre-launch.
T-minus 1 day and counting. All systems go, but I'm getting a large number of suggestions to go AWOL from married guys. Sorry guys, not gonna happen.
About 36 years ago, I met a 'cougar' and four hours ago, she said she still loved me. The prophet married a rich widdow, older than him, and one third of the human race consider him inspire . . . I have no idea, no special insights to offer but this. Assume she has 51% of the voting stock and listen. That is no guarante but it is a good start. She may not alway right but she is never wrong. GOOD LUCK! . . . And enjoy the ride. Bob Wilson
Thanks all. This will be a fun day and a fun life for us. First, I have a few hours of work to do once I get some data from our largest trading partner.