I was rear ended a couple of weeks ago and took my car in to get it fixed. I had a slight dent in the rear bumper and the top was slightly buckled. So far the quote is $966 and this doesn't include the cost of a new electronic sensor that they haven't priced yet. They need to replace the rear bumper cover, an interior shock absorber, realign the lift gate latch and replace the sensor. So if your rear bumper is bashed, better be sure that the other guy's insurance pays for it! (Luckily, my situation.)
Just got my 04 back after a rear-end that encompassed the bumper cover, the driver's side taillight, and a small scrape on the rear qtr. panel at the light (no body work on the qtr. panel). The other guy's insurance paid, and the total came to $1353.91, plus the fun of driving a rental Chevy Malibu for two days(worst car I've ever driven). The work WAS done at our Toyota body shop, though, and the work is SPOTLESS. Yowza! If anyone in North Florida, South Georgia needs body work done on a car, check out Legacy Collision--part of Legacy Toyota. Beautiful shop that looks like a lab, and top-notch work. Talk to Tammy and tell her Michael sent you. Parts (bumper cover, absorber, bumper retainer) - $453.35 Body Labor - $312.00 Paint Labor - $324.00 Paint Supplies - $170.10 Not a cheap ding, but not the craziest prices either. And a turnaround of 2 working days!
Congrats, Micheal.......bet it looks a lot better now! Hopefully it still drives as well.......the li'l sweetie! :clap: