Hello. I currently own a 2013 Prius 2 in Barcelona Red. It just hit 90k miles. It's a fantastic car and I have done quite a bit of preventative maintenance since purchase. (Manifold/EGR Cleaning). There is a 2015 Prius 2 also in Barcelona red for sale near me. This one has 175k miles. They are asking $2000. All that it needs is a new Hybrid battery. They are the original owners and have all maintenance records since new. No signs of engine issues, no low coolant. No codes (aside for the hybrid battery). This car is in fantastic condition. Would it be a stupid idea to throw in an Electron Hybrid battery and re-sell it? I have done this job before and know how to perform it. Considering similar mileage, 2015s are selling for around 8-12k around me. Also wondering if all checks out, should I sell my 2013 and keep the 2015? Knowing that the head gasket issues weren't as common in the 2015s. I feel this could backfire on me, but I see a pretty good profit if all works out. Please convince me otherwise!
I think you should go for it! Put in the battery, clean the egr stuff and sell the 2015. Since you are on top of everything early on your 2012, it's much less likely you will have the problems others have had since they probably didn't know about this extra maintenance until they had the problems.
You may have some slim profit margins with that many miles but having an extra prius as nice as you describe for a project car would be fun. Ultimately if it proved reliable for a year you might decide to sell one. I wouldn't base decisions on a future what if's though. Knock them down to $1500 and do it