Hi All, I need you help guys. Today I had a situation when I was driving 30 mph and had to press the brake pedal to the floor. My expectation was that the car would stop right away, but I felt there was some slowdown - first ABS engaged, the car shook a little, and only after that it stopped. I felt that my car went over several feet more than what I would have expected. I'm not 100% sure if it's a mechanical issue or if this is how it should be - today it was raining and the roads were wet, so I'm not sure if that contributed to the issue. Below are several videos I took to show what it looks like when I press the pedal to the floor at speeds of 20-30 mph. Could you confirm if this is normal behavior or if something is wrong with the car?
I see orange lights on the dash so do you have the orange! ABS VSC traction control light is the b r a k e over on the left of your combination meter on constantly let's get to these things first All of this should be going on if you're having trouble with overshooting and breaking and is the reservoir reasonably full of brake fluid you know the place where you put the fluid under the hood let's start with the basics first before we worry about what's engaging and what's not
I was expecting more of the orange lights to be brake-related, but on close-up, one means the defogger is on and the other is a tire pressure warning. Have you checked all your tire pressures? A tire-pressure problem could be having traction effects.