I have a 2013 Prius C that is right around 135000 miles on it. Up until a couple months ago I haven't had to do any repairs other than routine maintenance and tires. All of a sudden, the head gasket was leaking and I fixed that for $2500ish. Then a few weeks later, it wouldn't start. I thought it was the 12V but it turns out a large power cord running underneath the car had been ripped open (likely from gravel road driving apparently) and then moisture got in and rotted it out. It's being repaired and they're telling me it'll be about $3000 to fix. Anyways, I was wondering if there are some other things I should expect to fail soon? I know the batteries could go soon, but are their other things that I should be worried about?
I've not heard much about gaskets and wire going. I too have a 2013 prius C butb my has 41k km. Sounds like a lot of $ to spend on a car just like that out of nowhere. You can't even prevent it kinda.
Someone else here had ripped high voltage cable under the car. Apparently the protection on the Prius c is not that complete; the cable's exposed in places. Big orange cable under the body... Safety concern? | PriusChat
It's not a common thing with the cable, but it is exposed, so rough roads could do it. As far as the head gasket, you're the first one I can recall with that issue. Are you sure it was leaking, or is that just what your dealership told you?
I took it into my local (non-toyota) shop to fix an unrelated thing (the heater blower motor) and he told me that it looked like the head gasket was leaking and recommended I take it in to Toyota. So I called and made an appointment with Toyota and they seemed surprised and said that they wanted to look at it. Once I got it in there, they confirmed it was a head gasket and fixed it.
Yeah, I've been posting to this forum for a few years now and as I mentioned, you're the first I recall with a head gasket issue. I'm not surprised they were surprised. Sorry it happened though. Bad luck and murphy's law and all that.