I'm having a problem clearing old destinations on my '08 Prius Nav and running version 8.1. I can delete some from "My Places" in the Memory Points, but not all the destinations. If I follow the manual on pages 67-68, it doesn't take me to the screens described where it shows a list and I can choose. I'm not sure if I'm in the right screen, but it's all I can find. Otherwise the Nav works fine. Can someone take my hand and guide me step by step better than the manual? Usually, I'm pretty good at following these kinds of directions. BTW, if I put in a route and then delete, it simply puts it back, or doesn't delete, even with a prompt.On page 68, I don't see the screen depicted that says "Delete Destinations" and my list. Thanks, Fred
If you are talking about 'Recent Destinations' you can unplug the 4 cables from the drive for about 10 minutes and reconnect. It will power up and reload and the list will be gone.