Mercy sakes! I'm having an awful time and too many close calls when I'm backing up or making tight turns in my new '04 Salsa Pearl. I need help judging adequate clearance so I don't get dings on the bumpers. Quite often the wife gets out and helps me make safe moves, but she isn't always with me and besides it makes me look like I'm driving with a learner's permit. Quite a while ago I read something here in the group about an add on device, reasonably priced, that monitored for safe clearances and warned when the corners were getting too close to obstacles. Does anyone remember who offered that device? Whew! I could sure use it now. Any help or suggestions will be appreciated. Whatshisname.
I recently installed an infrared device on the back of our minivan called Auto Alert. Considering it only cost $40, it works pretty well. Although it will not see the corners of the car very well, you will not back directly into anything with this installed. It was tough to install on the license plate of the rear door because the power is supplied from the reverse lights 8) . The wires have to be run up the rear sidewall, through the ceiling, out to, and down the inside of the hatch (if you don't want to see them). It would be much easier on a car with a trunk. 8)
I'd seen that in the SkyMall and wondered what was involved and how well it works. How long did install take you? Is there and inside beep/alert that sounds or just something on the plate thing itself? Is it worth the $40 or would you opt for something more advanced/sophisticated.
It took me a couple hours to pull apart and put back together the panels and rear door of my minivan. There is a beeper that I put on the inside of the door. It is plenty loud, and beeps quickly everytime you shift into reverse. If you are not afraid to take apart a new car, then I think it is worth $40. My van is 10 years old, so it was not such a big deal. The sensor is only good for things directly behind you. It is not so good for backing and turning. When my Prius comes, I do not plan to install this sensor.
Thanks Dilbert for your information. I was hoping for something that would protect the four corners of the vehicle. The setup you suggested would be nice and I know I'll need at least two sensors to get the assistance I need. Thanks again.
have to say the backup system that is standard on my buick rendezvous is one thing i will miss when i get my prius (someday, sigh)
I had a backup sensor on my first car, a 1969 Chysler Newport. It was called a 1/4 inch chrome bumper! I sensed cars on it a couple of times and it was barely scratched.
Here's another at $29.95. There's a good description that describes the multiple zones and their adjustment. has anyone tried this one? Actually, I'd like to imobilize my Prius backup beeper but have been reluctant because I believe there should be at least some kind of backup warning system. It would be nice to have my car beep ONLY if there's an object, person, or pet behind the car.
I mounted a fake cellular phone antenna to my front license plate holder. The top sticks up about an inch into my windshield view so at least I know where the front of the car is. Novelty stores and science shops used to sell fresnel lenses made of flexible plastic; they may still be selling it. You'd see the lenses plastered on the back windows of VW vans; they stick by using water and squeegeing out the excess. You can cut the material to fit, and it would probably work on the lower back glass of the rear window on a Prius. It spreads your field of view outward, like a convex mirror, so that you can see the bumper via your rear view mirror. Haven't tried it yet, but if I find some of that lens material, I will.
i just bought on eBay. i'll report on installation and performance, though i'm on vacation for a week and might not be TOO quick to do the install. i got the "drill holes in the bumper" version, along with an LCD interior display. if you surf around some of the Japanese sites, you might run across the one i posted somewhere else here on PC.... it looked like a little monitor on the dash with arrows pointing in about 8 directions around the car for "impending contact"... maybe a Japan-only option or aftermarket. more later....