This is really a two-part question... 1) Has anyone decided (as we have) to try and keep their Classic Prius indefinitely as a daily driver? 2) Does anyone think it would be worthwhile to organize a club/meet in the Southland to assist such people in keeping their Classics running?
That's an interesting idea. I would attend. Even if we had a directory of other Prius owners that had tools willing to be lent out, or even spend an afternoon helping to install a traction battery (as I understand it, this is a 2 man job), that would be great. Whatever we decide on, I can help organize and/or attend. PS: I live in Pasadena.
You might consider contacting one of the local independent shops and seeing if they might be willing to host a meeting say once every two or three months: Preferred Independent Hybrid Car Repair and Service Shops | Hybrid Cars I'm not familar with California cities and suburbs so there may be others. When we were forming a Macintosh User Group, a local, independent Mac reseller offered his facilities and later we moved to the library and corporate hosts. This worked out well and the Mac reseller remains in business . . . 25 years later. What helps is having a program manager who arranges for speakers and product demonstrations. Between cold-calls and letters, they can often get 'freebies' that can be offered as door prizes. A good program manager will keep a group going for a long time. The next important role is newsletter editor. Yes I know the web is everywhere but something about getting a 2-4 page newsletter still brings value to a group. Bob Wilson
You might consider 'announcing a time and place' and Columbus Day, Oct. 11, is coming up. The advantage is this one day after the 10/10/2010 "Prius Day". Given it is LA, you might be able to have a cook-out (under rain shelter.) . . . Just a thought. Now if you can get a place with Skype access, reasonable bandwidth, we could try a conference call. I'd be happy to discuss ScanGauge, Auto Enginuity, OBD and cheapo scanners. Send a PM and perhaps we might practice to see how well it works out. . . . just a thought. The reason for Skype is to try and make it interactive. This is what I hate about most video systems, they don't support questions and discussion. . . . Just a thought. Bob Wilson
Oh, I definitely plan to drive my Classic Prius until it falls apart! However that could be a very long time from now. ;-) Not sure if I could make a meetup, but would definitely consider it.