I picked up a tin of this about 2 weeks ago and have been busy with work out of the country. And had not had a chance till today to try it out. And I must say HO%Y S#!T this stuff is amazing. The best shine and the depth of the color is amazing. A little pricy but worth it.
Wow, does look really amazing. I'm definitely giving this a try. edit: Do you like the look of the car with the hubcaps on?
Awesome! Your car is beautiful What's the total process you follow for keeping it so show car looking??
I detail cars as a hobby, and have a few show cars. I use Adams car shampoo as its Ph balanced, my water is also filtered by a inline filter, followed by drying with Adams detail spray and drying towel. Q-tip around the emblems, check the paint for smoothness. If not good I use detail clay(fine or med, depending on how bad the paint is. Next is the fun part. I switch between my Porter Cable and my Flex. The PC is super for light to medium detail. I start with Meguiars Mirror Glaze #105 Ultra-Cut Compound on a CCS orange pad. Next I switch to Meguiars Mirror Glaze #205 Ultra Finishing Polish on a CCS white pad. After that is done I switch to Chemical brothers buttery wax on CCS super gold pad. And then top it off with the Chemical Guys E-zyme Natura. Now since I've had the car for 2 months I've done this whole process every other week. In between I was and use Adams detail spray. And everyday I clean any bugs or bird droppings with a special spray polish designed for motorcycles. And I dust my car every time I drive it. I know a lot of work. But I love to do it and I can't drive a dirty car.
Looks nice. I'm a Zaino guy and have been so impressed with their stuff for years that I won't consider anything else. The stuff goes on super easy and comes off clean. Just something to consider when your current container is getting low...
Wow. Your hard work shows! I am not that dedicated but was trying to get a good process. I got the clay, but was reading that collinite 845 and nattys ex-p might be good. I hope I have the right names. I also do it by hand and don't want a garage full of stuff. Just looking for a good polish, glaze and or wax. I'd like to seal, then washnwax no more than every 2 weeks unless I get birdie target practice. And I don't want to spend a fortune. I also read that Ultima sealant is great on pearl cars.
I use the Ultima line on my cars and love it for it's ease of use, quick application, and it's longevity. Great stuff when starting with a good surface.
Glad to hear that CG makes something worthwhile. I just spent $150 on various items from them and they were all a disappointment, to say the least. MB860 ? 2