Could someone please re-post the 12 volt battery voltage ranges when checking under the hood with a voltmeter. I can't seem to locate them. (Should have printed 'em ) I checked my '07 after sitting for a day it registered 12.44 V-Good -Bad- or Normal ??? Thanks !!!
I assume the car was IG-OFF when you measured 12.44V. This means that your battery is around 50% charged. A new AGM battery, fully charged, should measure ~12.9V. 12.1V is discharged.
Your numbers seem a bit high. Does an AGM battery read differently (higher?) than a flooded lead acid battery? I found lower numbers for state of charge for flooded cells here: Charging the lead-acid battery
Yes, an AGM battery should produce a slightly higher voltage for a given charge state: "The sealed AGM and Gel-Cell battery voltage (full charged) will be slightly higher in the 12.8 to 12.9 ranges." Battery Basics: A Layman's Guide to How Batteries Work | I recently bought a replacement Toyota 12V battery (same as original equipment) for my 2004, and it measured 12.9V out of the box.
Another interesting link which contains a state of charge voltage table for different types of lead acid batteries, can be found here: Battery voltage and state of charge - Energy Matters
The big Gel-Cell battery on my boat reads just over 13 volts after being fully charged. With any use it quickly settles to 12.9. The charging is being done by a $2,000 computer controlled charger/inverter programmed for the battery type. The battery has been in use for a decade and is still going strong. Tom