2012 prius plug in advanced 70K miles, Weve been driving through a lot of flood puddles here in the summer rains of Florida. Today I got the CHECK PCS , ABS, TRACTION CONTROL, and "!", lights on my dash. I took it to my local autoparts store to have the codes read...the only code that came back was..."C1465 left front speed sensor" I know that this is not a full computer reading, but I thought I would take a look before spending $135 on my local toyota dealer to tell me something simple. The car drives great, and everything seems to be working correctly. It seems like something to do with the ABS, sensor? First question...anywhere I can get a more thourough reading of what is going on for free/cheaper cost? Second question...what do you think of this whole situation? since there is no "check engine" light on is it possible that it is the "C1465 left front speed sensor"? Thank you so much for your help
The wheel speed sensor could be the problem. Get a hybrid enabled scantool for the job. If you can, remove the speed sensor, and clean it up with some sort of electronic cleaner. If it doesn't work, inspect the sensor's wiring harness, for short circuit problems