I am interested in getting a duplicate metal key to unlock the door. A duplicate of the one that you pull out of the FOB. What is the cheapest way I can do that? Is there a place online that will make one based on a ser# or VIN? I do not want to replace the smart FOB just the key inside it.
I had one made at a local locksmith. Cost was $70.. Note: If the key is used to lock the car, the fob becomes dead.. You will need to unlock the car with the key to be able to use the fob again. If you like to leave the car running (cold mornings etc) and worry about the car being stolen, use the key to lock it.. its the only way you can lock a running car.
You can do what I did for much cheaper. Here is my review of the person I used that is a prius chatter. I actually took an extra one and added a key head so I could turn the key in cold weather in the event I have a dead battery with the fob rendered useless. The blank lexus key was 4.95 ebay. I replaced the Prius key blade into it with JB weld and a dremel.