In a broad discussion on energy tonight on PBS, Charlie Rose came to one question where he asked Lee Raymond about his thoughts on energy conservation. On asking the question, Mr. Rose used Prius (only Prius) as the reference in the question. Now that's very impressive when a single product name can be used to reference a broad topic like automobile energy conservation as used during a broadcast conversation between this great interviewer and the most powerful energy magnate in the world. Cultural Literacy describes where one can use a single word, Prius for instance, and have virtually every reasonably intelligent listener instantly understand that it's a word that best describes a broad topic, energy conservation for instance, from the perspective of the automobile. There were two cultural literacy terms used in this interview that I noted; first was Prius representing oil conservation, and then Exxon Valdez representing fouling of the environment. Anyhow, kudos to Prius for taking on this new role in language use. Oh, by the way, Mr. Raymond's response to the question: He stated something to the effect of - not only energy conservation with respect to oil was important, but energy conservation of every type should receive equal emphasis (then he referenced people energy conservation, use of nuclear power in the future, etc.).
I've also seen it working its way into some stereotypes. A quick Usenet search showed up: See, you're not driving a car, you're driving a symbol. :lol: And not all of those were being ironic...
Lets see... :roll: ... PBS supporting? Yes ACLU member? No Prius-driving? Very soon Atheist? Yes Film star? No PETA member? No Kerry voting liberal? Most likely Califorina resident? No Long haired? At my age, no way Birkenstock-wearing? No, but I do have Tevas Dope-smoking? Well, yes when in college (but I didn't inhale :wink: ) Pantywaist? Well...??? I certanly don't wear my wife's pantys So...hmmm...seems like I do fit most of the stereotypes. Oh well... :lol:
I certainly hope those of us who differ in our social, spiritual, and political perspective and still care about the environment (Are you totally shocked?) are allowed to drive a Prius too.
Judging from some of the discussions in the General Discussion forum there are all kinds of backgrounds that have gravitated to the Prius.
PBS supporting? Yes ACLU member? No Prius-driving? Yes Atheist? More or less, Yes Film star? No PETA member? No Kerry voting Yes liberal? No Califorina resident? No Long haired? Yes Birkenstock-wearing? No, I wear Siebels Dope-smoking? No, at least not since college Pantywaist? Not since I got married and increment my pants size. jv <- Look at me! I'm a demographic!