I didn't see this previously posted / accumulated so here goes. Consumer reports stated 3.5 hrs to fully charge the PiP so I'm interested to see real world numbers given I've been at 1/3 that at Chargepoint and just over 1/2 that at home using 120v. If anyone is well these off I'd be interested in hearing your location 240v - 72 minutes 120v - 2:04
metro boston: 120v, 3 hours. 240v, 1 1/2 hours. +/-. i assume you're talking about fully depleted ev portion.
PG&E and Roseville Electric, just northeast of Sacramento: 120v, 2.5 hours give or take a few minutes
SCE in So Cal, approximately 2:20 on 120v, and that is pretty consistent over the time I have had the car.
Finger Lakes Region of New York State... 2.5 hours like clockwork on the dedicated 15amp 120v outlet. I think some of the difference in times is due to the actual voltage at the outlet which can vary due to many factors.
yes, definitely zero - full I'm curious - where are you using the 240v ? I've used 5 in metro boston - Wellesley Whole Foods, Nissan Framingham, 99 in Milford + Marlboro and chargepoint in Hopkinton. Usually pretty anal about timing and have gotten consistent 70-75 min charge times so wondering if a difference between 2012 and 2013s could exist
at home and work, i've never used a public charger, i'll have to offer to go to whole foods for my wife!
It doesn't have much to do w/the location in terms of city and state. However, if one has an EVSE installed at home, it'll likely be running at 240 volts. If you use an EVSE at a commercial location, it likely be at 208 volts, and be a bit slower, unless the on-board charger of the PiP ups its amperage to be the same as charging at 240. Toyota Rav4 EV Forum • View topic - Fresno to Gilroy (CA) trip report is a chart for the Rav4 EV. Rav4 EV has a 10 kW on-board charger. My Nissan Leaf Forum • View topic - 3.3 vs 6.6 KW on-board charger - charging times? is a chart for the Leaf. The '11 and '12 Leafs have only a 3.3 kW OBC and can't go over 16 amps at 208 or 240 volts, IIRC. The '13+ Leaf has an optional 6 kW OBC. I'm not sure what the max draw/output of the PiP's OBC is but IIRC, it's definitely no more than 3.3 kW and could be as low as 2.x kW.
Let me know if you ever do time your charge at Whole Foods. I'm usually entering that lot on "fumes" and have done a full charge in 72 minutes on quite a few occasions. Looking through the responses so far I'm wondering if Toyota made some small changes for the 2013 as I'm getting 15-18min faster at 240v and 25-30 at home but unless someone else can charge at my house we can't compare that one
that would be good if true. i would announce it if i were them. 70 minutes at whole foods... i hope they have a lot of free snacks!
Unfortunately in Wellesley there's just one GE charger but at least they posted more restrictive signs. Twice before that the adjacent spots were taken up by - yup SUVs... I just parked parallel and charged anyway
Just checked the Toyota website, looks like they still claim the same charging times they posted on the 2012 models: Charging Time - 120V/240V:~3 hrs/~1.5 hrs