I just got my ChargePoint card! I'll try it today. Any opinions on the best charging station network? I picked this one because it was the largest, and it has local stations.
It all depends on where you live. Here in the Dallas area 95% of the charging stations are Blink Network and are currently free. I also have a ChargePoint card. The ChargePoint charger at the Richardson city Huffhines Rec Center costs $2/hr with min. of $2. Free trumps $2/hr any day, so I am only using the Blink chargers right now. There are about 6 ChargePoint stations around Dallas and over 100 Blink Network stations.
Here at the east coast ChargePoint is widespread. There are plenty of FREE charging stations in this network, something I did not know until I applied for my card.
I have both, but I won't pay to charge my car, unless it gets me a good parking spot. I think the paid chargers are really for EV's, because they can't run without a charge.
Given that the break-even point is around one dollar for an entire charge (about 1.5 hours), using 50mpg in HV mode and $4.00/gal gasoline, pay charge stations don't make a lot of sense for the PiP. I wonder how long the municipal charge stations around here are going to be free, given the screwed up California state budget situation that dumps a lot of expenses on the cities that previously were paid for by the state.