My car is due for an oil change (15,000 miles). When I took it in for an oil change last time, the dealer recommended a cabin air filter change. He said it's in the manual, I showed him the manual said change it at 30,000. He told me they always recommend the change at 10,000. I know that many of you change you own filter but I am not very handy so I am not going to change it myself as I will probably break something. So what is your advice, should I change it at 15,000 or wait until 30,000. Thanks. Ed.
at the really low prices that the toyota air filters sell on the web, you could change them anytime you feel like, its pretty easy to do it yourself. don't let the toyota dealer change it, he is probably going to charge you $69.95 to do it. you should at least open the filter compartment once in a while , and take a look at the filter and see if its good, and shake it out, remove large debris, and maybe even vacuum it or blow air at it a little i don't understand how they justify $69.95 for a $19 part and 30 seconds of labor. maybe toyota cabin filters on all the other toyotas are more difficult or time consuming to change
It will surprise you how dirty it will be even at 15,000 miles, it wouldn't be a bad idea to pull it out and shake out all the dirt and leaves that get on it. Or if you could also just pay $10 - $15 for one at your local autoparts or wal-mart and change it yourself. Even if you aren't handy you would not have a hard time changing your cabin air filter yourself, its as easy as changing batteries in a TV remote. If you open up your lower glove box there is a little strut like connecter that opens and closes the glove box. Carefully pop it out Then if you look straight in you will see the holder for the air filter. Pull top straight out, clean or put new filter in, push back in the slot, lift glove box up and pop the strut thing back in. If you have any problems doing this the guys at an autoparts store like Autozone will probably be more then happy to give you a hand with this for free.
btw the only two things you have to be careful about when changing the cabin air filter tray are: 1) do not drop the contents of your glovebox, you will have to pick them up later, haha 2) do not drop the tray, if you drop the tray and a clip breaks, it will cost at least $10.42 for a new one
Personally, I like to tap-out and vacuum the cabin A/F every 10K, and replace it at 30K. The simple procedure is covered on p.300-302 in your owners manual. The engine A/F is the one I like to replace at 15K intervals. Although also required at 30K, I like to keep my engine breathing clean and easy. Plus, it's even simpler than the cabin A/F. If someone walked up and handed you $75.00 cash, with a smile, and walked away....How would you feel? That's the way you'll feel when you do these items yourself, cause that's how much you kept in your pocked and out of the dealers. That's two tanks of gas.
I am looking for a comparable FRAM cabin filter or perhaps a Purolator cabin filter. Does anyone know what are the part numbers?
purolator C35516 fram CF10132 man those are more expensive then what toyota charges, i wonder if its worth the money
Change it when it gets dirty. Mine gets full of bees, bugs, dirt and debris way before 30,000. I check it every 5K when I do the oil. It takes 2 minutes, and is so easy to change, why waste money paying a dealer, scheduling it, waiting for it, etc. ??? Better yet, it is washable, so I have two, and wash it out and alternate each time it looks dirty. its no big deal...really.
The cabin filter really is pretty easy to get at once you've got the hang of it. I check mine every time I wash the car and at least shake the debris out. Having taken good care of it with frequent vacuuming and washing, I only recently replaced the original after 50,000 km.
If your lucky and have a decent dealer ask him if he charges laor to change it or just the part. My dealer doesn't charge labor for things like air filter, wiper blades, ect. The cabin airfilter, like other people said, gets dirty way before 30k. Also don't forget the engine intake air filter. I usually change it around 15k.
Remember to squeeze the sides of the lower glove box inward to release those little catch-points as you're lowering it before unclipping from the rail, too... . _H*
Oh yes, I forgot about those. By the way I picked up my Fram Cabin Air Filter at a wal-mart for about $13 and I was really happy with the way it was constructed.
I would like to thank again for everyone who responded. I went in for the oil change and tire rotation. Luckily, I received a coupon for free checkup that includes checking the cabin filter and engine filter. They checked them and told me that they are o.k. Thanks again. Ed.
I hosed it out, and hung it in the patio and forgot about it for a couple of days. In hot dry LA, it shouldn't take more than an hour to dry. I have two, and just alternate them, so I don't really wait for it to dry before putting it back.