has anyone noticed their cd's are really hot when they take them out? it might just be the generic non JBL cd players that do this but my cd's come out REALLY hot like to the point im worrying about the electronics overheating :|
CD and DVD players both use high energy lasers to read the disks. that is why you should never play a disk with the player cover open, damaged or altered in any way because the system WILL blind you instantly. having disks that are warm is very normal and your home theater system will do the same. realize the best way to notice this is to eject a disk when it is playing.(safety mechanisms in your player will prevent any damage to disk or system. if the disk is spinning when the door opens in cradle style single players then you have a problem that usually means that your player is going "blind". the high energy lasers do take a toll on the equipment and will not last forever or more than about 2 years if used regularly) another note, if you can get all the features you want in a medium priced player, then go for it as high end players dont last longer because of the laser issue. real cheap players however have a tendancy to not work right out of the box so be prepared for multiple exchanges if you take this route.
Yeah, they have kilowatt phaser banks inside. Open cover and it will shoot approaching enemy spacecraft at parsec distance. Dave, CD laser is essentially LED, its output power is 0.3 milliwatts. It won't blind you. Or do you think techicians repairing CDs with cover open are all blind? :lol: Laser pointer does not blind instantly either. http://www.cat.ernet.in/others/lasinfo/d-cd.html
Also they have a life of well over 2 years. My oldest bit of CD playing equipment is now about 15 years old. Still works.
Lazybear.... a quote from the source you supplied WARNING: A collimated 5 mW beam is hazardous especially since it is mostly invisible. By the time you realize you have a problem it will be too late.
Yes, but the point is that the 5mW laser isn't what's heating your CD up It'll just be the general heat from the electronics of the drive - all the ICs, voltage regulators, the motor etc. Plus surplus heat from the amplifiers, if nearby. Audio units like that generally have little real ventilation, so the CDs that are stowed inside the drive will get hot.
well in this case, i am referring to the greatly understated (and misleading) consequences of damage to your vision from these lasers