Hi everyone, this is my first post on this forum and really glad to meet you all. As the title says, I got a few CD and trying to play it in my car (2023 XLE), since I already known that there is no CD player and an external CD drive through USB port is not gonna work, I wonder if there are any alternative CD player like those is selling on Amazon or other solution that is possible to make my prius be able to play CDs. Thank you in prior for any replies, apologize for any grammar or spelling mistake that might make you confuse, wasn't born in America
The best solution is have music on your phone and use CarPlay. CD's have gone the way of cassette tapes...
What I do is use a portable CD player with a dongle that plugs into the headphone slot and transmits the sound through Bluetooth. The product you'll want is called AirFly SE Just plug it into the headphone slot, and sync it to your car through the Bluetooth menu. With my CD player ($25 model from iLive I found at Best Buy) at least I have to crank the volume way up but it works fine. The AirFly can plug into a USB port for charging and my CD player can use a car charger so batteries aren't an issue