Is it possible to have the song name displayed while playing a CD? I go to song details and it shows blank for song name. Anyone know how to make it show the title? thanks
Don't know the answer, but this has been discussed in some other threads. Check out this one for example: CD names I'm sure I've seen at least 2 other threads on this out there.... Good luck!
Depends whether the CD has CD-TEXT. Most commercial CDs don't have it (no idea why). If you burn the CDs yourself, make sure you have CD-TEXT enabled.
This is the Recording dialog box of Roxio. I think Nero also supports CD text writing. You can see that it's just a simply check-box and you're set. It's a good guess that if your software doesn't have that check-box and you can't find anything in the Help files, it ain't got it.
Some commercially pressed CDs do have CD-Text. Most do not, and anything from your CD collection which is legacy will not have CD-Text. i have duplicated a number of my CDs so that CD-Text is included in the burn. I have Toast pull the CD-Text information from the CDDB before I start my burn. That is the easiest and quickest way to get CD-Text onto a CD burn job. I find the text display convenient every now and then, however I have found that in my quest to copy my CDs and integrate text onto them, I have also created a nice rolling copy of my CD library which, if stolen or messed up somehow, won't bother me at all.
If you're burning your own CDs, and your burn software supports equalizer settings, try out the (last) settings I've been mapping out for the Prius in this thread for Nero and see how it sounds for you. I use cdrws so I rotate through the same 6 cds...
this technology has been around for years. some commercial cds have it and some don't, i see no rhyme or reason to it. for obvious reasons, you cannot add this feature unless you re-burn it and enable the cd-text as shown above. -drew