I purchased a new "smart" battery tester ... the only problem is it needs the CCA or CA of the battery to run the test. Does anybody know the CCA or CA of the OEM (S46B24R) 12v Battery. Thanks Don
CCA is 310 I think. Oh sorry, just noticed you're 2009, might still be true. CCA for my 2010 battery was 310, I think. I say that because it's not directly explained, say printed on the case. And my searches on the net revewaled the number 310, but I'm still not convinced it was CCA, or something at least similar. Here's my notes: ---- 12 volt battery: Toyota Part No: 28800-21171 Battery info: GS Nippon Denchi YUASA S46B24R-GS Cold Cranking Amps: 310? ----------------------- Cold Cranking Performance (Amps) SAE/EN1: 310A ----------------------- Try that value? I have the Solar BA5, and that's always the sticking point. Watching a few YouTube values, someone made mention that there's some initial value (internal resistance?) that these meters read, and then based on the CCA value you've entered it does a computation, displays a result. And that just displaying that internal resistance value is more direct. And doesn't have you running to get CCA, or CA. FWIW, it's apparently not unusual to get results from the meter much higher than spec'd CCA, a good condition battery will do that.
A smart battery tester that can't figure out the CCA of a battery itself ... BTW, CCA's on the 12v don't matter for the Prius. Only how many volts it has.
There may be no 12 volt cranking going on, but CCA, or CA, or any other of the myriad measurement systems, indicate the potential of the battery to survive adverse conditions, partial drain and so on.
Mendel ... I also have the Solar BA5 battery tester and the tester needs the CCA of the battery to perform the testing. I replaced a battery that was showing 10.9V no matter how it was tested. In the car or with a VOM. I ran the car for two weeks once on the interstate for about two hours and the battery never got above 11.9V. During this time the car ran good with no problems and gas mileage was good. Rather then pushing my luck I changed out the battery with a new OEM (model no. 21171). I charged up the old battery and got 12.9V with no load so I wanted to test it with the Solar .. So ... thanks for the CCA. By the way where did you get that number? Don
Googled the battery name. Some vendors showed that value. I think it's somewhat arbitrary: if you enter something reasonable, and it comes back with (say) 150 CCA and a red (fail) light, then... I replace my Yuasa with an Optima Yellow Top. So far fine.