Found this while looking around to protect my cat. has the protection we need in a world were in a few minutes, your catalytic converter will be stolen. At catstrap you have a couple choices to protect your cat. I like the CatEye system because it is simple. The other option is a tough strap that directly protects it. I also got us all a discount of 5% using code: azusa Check them out, your cat depends on it!!!
I live in the state where the $120 aftermarket cat is not a problem nobody cares they don't even look they don't bend down they don't plug anything into my OBD2 port they barely want to see my turn signals light up and the horn sound and that's pretty much it so those people in California places like that well that's why you live there so you can spend $4,000 on your Prius to get a new converter installed only takes like 22 minutes SM-A715F ?
I Live in California cat theft happens often And it is very expensive to replace them. Takes about 4 to 5 minutes to steal a Cadillac converter. Unfortunately! it happened to my neighbors Honda and has happened for the company that work for several times on several vehicles I like the idea of the alarm however if nobody does anything about the Saws all that they use (very loud)I don’t think they are going to care about the alarm. I was looking on the website it looks like the cat strap it may help slow them down.
The sawzall now runs on a 60 volt or a 20 volt battery and is very quiet not the kind that plug up into a generator that you've got running sitting on the pavement next to you while you're trying to cut the man's catalytic converter out holy Christ and the way they force you to keep cars in California I would imagine I crawl up under your cars there and just take them out with the two sockets and a ratchet real quiet like seeing my state it doesn't really matter the $120 converter goes right back on the car and the person stealing the converter in my state is scratching his head going why did I do that it's a felony that they don't sell for that much here I guess in your state they sell for a lot because once they're stolen you are forced to go to the dealer and spend $3,000 for 1750 on the part or whatever the scam is at the moment In my state I can just bolt on the $120 part and drive $300,000 nobody cares only California does That's why they make special cars for your state or they used to they got wise to that and stop doing that they just make it so that in your state you have to buy the factory original part nobody else does in any other state SM-A715F ?
@2010moneypit? The point of the alarm is not really to attract attention from others but to get the thief out of there because it will hurt their ears.
I want the insurance claim and totaled car for a part missing . I get money and keep car 2 of mine stolen I keep 2 Amazon cats in stock here for this reason 30 min install. My cat lo threshold codes been on like 4 years . Up n down 02 etc no fix .. I've had str8 pipe all factory or not that mil comes back for years . We've lost interest fixing it . 47 or so no care . State inspection wivered in 2 states. In NC in my county no emissions YAY! SM-A715F ?
So after I got my expensive Magnaflow cat I knew I needed something to protect it. Unsure when a smog check wants to see my cat and there is an aftermarket one. Top it off its not easy to see the E.O.# So a cat shield right now would only make things harder when I need to smog it. I got my cateye alarm and have some pictures to share. Installation is simple, only two wires Website says to connect to jumper in engine bay fuse box for positive and any good area for ground. The siren is very sharp and loud. You would not want to be under there while its going off. This is a motion sensor not a tilt sensor. I got the automatic one that arms and disarms when the car is on or off. I removed everything like you were are doing the spark plugs to install it. I put the motion sensor by the oil drain plug, you can see it by my red oil plug. I will keep this thread posted with details as I use it. You can use my code "azusa" to save some cash at
Is this on a gen 3? Can I get some more pictures on how and where to attach things for the cateye alarm? edit: Azusa isn’t far from me. Do you have a shop?
I'm guessing that thieves have pretty good ear protection, considering that they are inches from a Sawzall cutting through steel.
Shoot I use a sawzall everyday I haven't put air protection on since the '70s I don't think shooting. But that's interesting The sawzall cutting the exhaust hell I can talk to you over that and I'm not even raising my voice much seriously with the Diablo blade and all that nothing. When I run my skill saw seven and a quarter worm drive I can talk to you right over that generally. But yeah I haven't seen any pictures of catalyst thieves with any kind of PPE on absolutely not. The only thing I remember cat eye was bicycle parts in the '70s and early '80s I used to review some products from them.
The original legit CatEye outfit should be suing these guys for trademark infringement any time now ... Unless, of course, it's really the same company, which isn't clear so far.
I thought the old cat eye company had been gone long gone for years That's why lots of people are using lots of product names that used to be trademarked I guess but when they go out of business does the trademark still hold forever?
@johnhuff Yes this is installed on my 2010. I do not have other pictures right now. There is no exact placing of the sensor. Just make sure it is mounted securely. For the others saying thiefs will have PPE Well that is just not true, they will have ears open to anyone catching them and they really use hand saws not electric loud ones, especially at night. So a high decible alarm blaring in their ears will be very annoying and painful.
The way I see it is yeah if this is a person that does mechanic work and all that sort of thing on the regular anyway he's probably already starting to become hard of hearing from using pneumatic tools for years etc. When I removed the catalytic converter from my generation too and wasn't concerned about funny business I could just take my smaller sawzall with I think a 4-in Diablo serious metal blade on it reach up under there with just one hand on the sawzall my head's not even under the car I'm leaning it against the door practically pull the trigger on the sawzall right through that thing Mike butter and that's just the way that goes It's pretty quick so the 28 seconds of hearing that loud noise not a serious deal The serious deal is the person in the house or wherever here in that noise and running out with shotguns there's that.
Yes...there is a new Biden shotgun that claims to work really well and can be loaded with anti theft rounds...I've seen footage in Cali of a house that had been hit 4 times by thieves..... use paintball guns on the fifth time the guys came back. PPE use notwithstanding...I think this alarm is a great is a blue dye and glitter bomb model.