Hi there, my converter was stolen and I had a replacement after market installed that I purchased from Amazon. The reviews were good and it did well for about a year and now I’m getting an engine code for it. Mechanic said that the valves can be damaged if the engine code is triggered due to the fuel ratio being too rich. I’m not a mechanic and not sure if this is accurate, anybody have any experience? Will the car be damaged if I continue to drive with the engine light on? I’m sure this has been discussed but I can’t seem to find things in the forum. Thanks in advance.
In order to reason objectively, the detected error code is necessary. A constantly lit check engine light is dangerous because you get used to it and can miss a serious problem.
You can't damage the valves, if the car is running rich. You can fry the CAT if it's running rich or you have excessive oil burn. We can't see, smell, or hear the car over the internet, that's why we're asking for error codes. There's a communications issue here. Either you misunderstood what the mechanic told you or the mechanic is full of CRAP. As I explained above. There's several ways to kill a new CAT or that CAT was defective. That's why we ask for the error codes. A good, professional repair shop would've checked for those other issues, before installing a new CAT; because they need to warranty their work. If a customer drags in their own part and tells them to just replace this. That's all they're going to do. The only warranty your going to get is that it won't fall out of the car. @MAX2 stated; if another fatal issue crops up; you won't know, until the car just stops running - since your CEL is already lit.