Spent the day at home Today and can not believe the amount of publicity this case is getting. Being that I live in Tampa bay area this is the only thing on the radio and all over the news. Was just wondering what your take is on it. Is she guilty or not do you believe she will get death penalty or will she be spared because of her looks? Seems to happen down here quite often if the are pretty they walk.
I usually don't follow stuff like this but we were living in FL when Caylee went missing so I am slightly intrigued about the outcome. I believe Casey Anthony is guilty, and will be found so, but won't receive the death penalty.
The verdict of this trial seems as controversial as the OJ trial > Technolog from msnbc.com - Internet explodes over Casey Anthony verdict
Evidently...everybody. You can't turn on the news without hearing about it. Personally? I blew the call. I figured that the jury would be hopelessly deadlocked, and that we would go into yet another trial. I never suspected for a moment that FLA would get a conviction for murder (waaaay too little evidence) but neither I, nor many others expected such a swift acquittal for both the murder and abuse charges. The "evil" ETC(SS) says load her into a plane for a quick trip down to GTMO for a hydraulically enhanced counseling session. Wring a confession out of her...pun almost unintended.... and lock her away at least until she's beyond child bearing age. If she was on the next plane out of JAX, we could have all the answers we needed by supper. However (comma!).... The US Constitution (as amended) to say nothing for societal norms do not allow for that. As tragic as the child's death is, I find myself in complete agreement with the jury, and against my evil inclinations for quick, dirty answers. So.... we'll just have to kick her to the curb and wait for the next sensational case to stir our collective imaginations. Sorry about the GTMO reference! I couldn’t help myself. There’s nothing quite as much fun as tossing a hand grenade into FHOP and watching people flop and twitch!!
Having been a juror in a very difficult criminal case, I can attest that the jury's verdict is not based on the same information available to the general public. The jury gets a very carefully controlled collection of information, presented in a controlled fashion, and is given very precise instructions. Watching this as a member of the public, don't assume how you would vote as a juror; you don't know. Even the alternate jurors don't know, as they do not participate in deliberation, and deliberation has a way of changing opinions. Also, it's important to realize that the defendant was not found innocent. She was found not guilty. Juries do not determine innocence. Innocence does not factor into a criminal trial, only guilt. The prosecution must determine guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Anything less than that and the defendant is not guilty. They may not be innocent, but they are not guilty. It's an important distinction. Tom
This was a difficult case from the begining. Crime scene evidence nope only evidence where body was buried and that scene had deteriorated. No cause of death and lots of circumstantial evidence which means TROUBLE for the prosecution. It is not what we think because mom did it but can the case be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Most juries will not take that leap of faith or burden in a murder trial. How many high profile cases that are similar have had the same outcome. My state illinois the drew peterson case is the same extremly circumstantial evidence and longer time since the murder. Third wife still missing no body found.
Agreed. All 12 jurors swore that they were willing to apply the death penalty if the evidence justified a guilty verdict. After relatively short deliberation of 10 or 11 hours, all 12 jurors voted not guilty, not one guilty vote. That could only be because of a lack of evidence or incompetent prosecution. All 12 also voted not guilty on aggravated manslaughter and aggravated child abuse which would have positively avoided the death penalty, so it wasn't just a coincidental hidden aversion to the death penalty by all 12 jurors. From what I have seen, I believe Casey is guilty, but I haven't seen and heard everything the jury has.
This is why I don't watch the news in this country. We have a Bell ExpressVU dish and pick up CBC which actually shows important news 95% of the time. Doesn't matter which country it comes from, if it is important it is shown. This "30 second world news watch" is ridiculous on the US news channels... I actually hadn't even heard about this trial at all until yesterday when the BBC ran an article about why america seems so obsessed with this trial giving examples of fights breaking out in the queue to get courtroom tickets and things like that.
That stupid Nancy Grace has made this her personal vendetta ALL FOR RATINGS for the last 3 years. I really enjoyed watching her eat crow yesterday.....
The comments at the end of one article I read yesterday went like this. Poster 1: Casey Anthony found not guilty! Nancy Grace is going to go into cardiac arrest. Poster 2: If she does, at least some good will have come out of this trial.
Nancy Grace is famous for coming out and claiming the accused "Guilty" when she is not privy to all the info. Because she was wrong this time she commented that the case was handled improperly. Can you imagine being her husband? Every conversation would be an argument and he would be wrong before he even opens his mouth.
Nancy Grace really isn't having a good week. She's been so sure and berated just about every "expert" that she has had on her show that even mentioned that Casey would be acquitted. I wonder what the future of her show will bring.
Or perhaps you have heard *more* than what the jury has. The information passed to jurors is filtered through a very structured legal system. The public gets to hear it all, including crackpot opinions, gossip, and Nancy Grace. Tom
Is there any marriage on the planet where that ISN'T true? You know the old saw: If a man speaks in a forest and there's no woman nearby to hear him, is he still wrong? I think we all know he answer to that one even without a visit to Google.
I have seen more sensational crap than the jury but a very small percentage of the actual testimony. In the comments after an online news article, after the not guilty verdict, someone said "Nancy Grace is going to go into cardiac arrest" The response to that was "Then at least some good will have come from this trial."
Not all woman are that bad. However, I would place Nancy Grace and Ann Coulter at the bottom of desirable women.
Try asking the airport kids question of a group of women. You will invariably get an emphatic "yes" answer.