Carista Bluetooth OBD2 gadget on sale for $14 on Amazon

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by VFerdman, Nov 25, 2019.

  1. VFerdman

    VFerdman Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2017
    Western Massachusetts
    2007 Prius
    I have recently switched to iPhone from Android (not because I think it's better, but because I came into a free iphone 5s and later 7). The OBD2 dongle I've been using before with my Android phone was great and worked all the time, but now that phone is relegated to the bedroom and I wanted to get an OBD2 adapter that worked with iPhone. I've had my eye on Carista and just now went to Amazon to buy something else (chain saw related) and there was Carista for $13.99. I pulled the trigger. Just wanted to let people know that have been on the fence. It's very good to have a basic OBD2 adapter. I never tried Carista, but I heard it works with iPhone and apps such as Torque, etc.
    Salamander_King and ETC(SS) like this.
  2. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    My condolences.
    I've been struggling for a few months now to get to do all of the stuff I used to be able to do without thinking about it.
    The 7 is a pretty decent phone - and I love the size. If it had an edge to edge screen I would have one in my pocket right now.

    I'll be interested to hear if the Carista works as advertised!
    VFerdman likes this.
  3. Salamander_King

    Salamander_King Senior Member

    Nov 8, 2015
    New England
    Other Hybrid
    Thanks for the info. Do you know when the free trial subscription starts on the dongle? Is it when you buy the adapter or when you install the app on your phone? I may pick it up now, but I don't need to use it for a while. If I save the adapter until I need to use it in some future without installing the app, would I still have 30 days free trial subscription when I use it for the first time???
    VFerdman likes this.
  4. VFerdman

    VFerdman Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2017
    Western Massachusetts
    2007 Prius
    I seriously doubt that Carista gets to know when and to whom each adapter is sold. I am almost sure that the trial starts when you install the app. But, I don't know that for a fact, of course.
    Salamander_King likes this.
  5. VFerdman

    VFerdman Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2017
    Western Massachusetts
    2007 Prius
    [RANT="I know, I know, it's an old theme, but new for me"]
    I know! I really struggled when I first switched from my beautiful, but aging OnePlus One? to the 5s. It drove me absolutely crazy! Part of it was the tiny screen and tinier yet targets in the interface. Also, no "back button"?!!! Insane! Why the $%^$ not?! it's the most useful button on a touch screen interface (kind of an "undo"). Yet, Apple, decided that each and every individual circumstance will have its own "back" button built in (or not, it's up to the developer, I guess) and it will be wherever the developer decides, not in the same place all the time. Insane! Also, I can not arrange the icons the way I want, iOS does it for me according to some plan (I think it may be alphabetic, but who knows). Also, I can not make an app a default for certain actions, like navigate. I do not care for apple native nav app and prefer Waze. Why can't I make Waze my default app?!!! Why do I need to copy an address from a text message and paste it into the Waze to use it?!!! Something I never ever had to wonder about on Android. I set it up the way I liked and "it just worked". Not so with Apple. If you want to do something even slightly different than the curators of the Walled Garden intended, you are SOL.

    Also, my 2014 OnePlus One? had 64GB of memory, a huge screen (much bigger than 7), was super slim and comfortable and cost $300 new! 5s cost $650 new and has 16GB of memory, has tiny screen.

    Now that I am off the 5s, I must say the 7 is much better for me. The interface targets are easier to hit with my finger and the whole phone is way more responsive than the 5s was. 5s was not being updated to V13x iOS, while 7 is running the latest. I must say that I do love the camera on both phones. Also, the all metal case made from a single billet is great (too bad they did away with that in later models) as it really does hold up to use. So while I am enjoying the free iPhones (cast offs from my extended family members), I would never ever spend money on one. They are crazy expensive and after owning and using one for a while I honestly do not understand why. But I'll take one or more for free. Actually, my 7 was not entirely free. It came with a broken screen, but was less than a year old (teenager owned it and dropped it in summer camp). Since I got it for free, I splurged on a genuine Apple repair for the screen, which was $150 at an Apple store. Apple store was another experience that I have not had before. Wow! the cool aid is strong! but they fixed the phone within an hour while I relaxed on a mall bench.

    Now to find out if the Carista thing will work as advertized... I hope so, as I am tired of dragging my bedroom OnePlus to do OBD2 things on cars.
    ETC(SS) and Salamander_King like this.
  6. Salamander_King

    Salamander_King Senior Member

    Nov 8, 2015
    New England
    Other Hybrid
    Ordered one. Since I had some Amazon gift card money to spend, it was free for me. Will likely to sit in the glove box for a while. I have no immediate changes I need to make on my car. It is cheaper than most of OBDII adapters on market. If it works with my other OBDII apps, it will be useful for things other than customization. I know, I know, by the time I open it and install the app, the adapter maybe selling even for less.