Anyone know what the card holder on the left side of the 2012 prius v dash is for. the book shows it but makes no mention of it. If you look closely, there are contacts inside ????
I thought the same thing when I first read about it. I don't use it often, but I've used it for a gas card, work ID, car registration + insurance, but I tend not to leave things in plain view though so I stopped using it pretty quickly. I could see how it would a nice place for things like tickets from those self-park lots. Beats stuffing it in the visor.
I use it to hold the parking ticket. Basically, it is there for 'quick' or 'short' access. While it is bad to leave a parking ticket in plain sight like that, it is more convenient than trying to dig it out of your pocket, fighting with your seat belt trying to fish it out or already have it out, then forget where you put it.
Thanks for the post. I read the manual and they mention it but no word on what it did. I guess it does nothing but hold a card.
I thought I read somewhere it's a handy thing in Japan. They have a very common card that is handy to store in that spot. I would love to find a coin tray to swap. I've seen them in other cars where the coins stack on their edges like a book shelf. Andy