What would you amend it to SAY?? This wasn't a motor vehicle accident, it was an industrial accident...and it seems that the car wash operator should have better equipment or at least not have shoved two cars through the wash close enough for this to happen or at least maintained the safety equipment on the conveyor that would have allowed you to apply your brakes and stop the conveyor. Look on the bright side. You didn't damage the truck, so you're not on the hook for his repairs. I'm not being a sexist...or a genderist. You said "Mr." in your OP. Fix your car and get on with the rest of your life. You might be able to go after the car wash operators in small claims, but they probably have signs everywhere advising you to use the wash at your own risk, and their conveyor MIGHT have been equipped with the proper clutch that would have stopped your car if you would have jammed your brakes. ......Impossible to say without more information. Small claims might work to your advantage but the juice might not be worth the squeeze. Since you've already (tried to?) filed an accident report, your car is now "previously wrecked" which may or may not mean much to you depending on how often you buy cars. I would cash flow the repairs with a good body shop anyway just to avoid the insurance claim - but that's me being me. Good Luck!