Before the Prius, I was a A->B person. I love the Prius for the toys and the built in video game (aka maximizing your mileage), not to mention the environmental advantages. I most definitely am not a person who reads car magazines or anything like that.
Lifelong car nut. Used to spend Memorial Day weekends in Indianapolis for the 500, and still have tickets for the Daytona 500 (hardly ever go, but if you don't renew every year, it's tough to get them... Usually able to find a buyer). A previous life as a street/canyon racer a very long time ago... I find the Prius technologically fascinating, but also am, like many humans, a walking contradiction. I love cars, and driving them near their limits, but I finally grew up and try to be a bit more responsible about things. A little open road or track time at serious velocity still makes my gearhead side happy, but I am trying to tread a little lighter on the planet these days. Just before getting laid off from a fairly lucrative aerospace career in early 2000, I was on the verge of putting a 6 kilowatt solar array on my roof. Had to put that one on hold since I'm now working in science education (happier, but less disposable income!). I try to do what I can, and the Prius purchase was one relatively easy environmental choice. It's a bit small for me (I'm 6' 2" and embarrased to admit my mass) but I can handle no place to put my left foot for a 90 minute commute. Jim
I consider myself a reformed car nut. As a teenager, I loved racing cars, and would plan my day around when the races were on. After working as a mechanic for about six months, I became thoroughly disgusted with the whole idea. Noisy, stinky, cantankerous beasts. But the Prius is pretty good, as cars go, which for me is saying something. I'd still rather go for a bike ride!