In the UK, a car crash can take several hours to clean up. I have often been sat in traffic for 4 or 5 hours after a car crash (On the motorway) We seem to take forever to clear away the mess. The police come and take endless photos. My experience in other countries is that the cars are moved quickly and traffic flows. Are laws different...
Here if a police officer gets killed on the freeway, they shut down the entire freeway. Not so with ordinary citizens...
There are signs to move all accidents out of traffic and off the road if possible. State law in some places.
Traffic blockages here vary considerably. For fender benders, the blockage may be the minimum necessary to get a tow truck in to haul away the damage. For fatalities, expect multiple lane closures for multiple hours.
And the inconvenience of sitting in your car for 2 or 3 hours stuck on a motorway because of a fatal accident is nothing compared to the bad day the people and families involved will be having. Always remember that before you start blasting your horn.
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