So far when I move out of the lane, even with all if the assisted driving things turned on (afaik), it will not make any noises/beeps to alert me. It just lightly tries to keep me in the lane but wont prevent me from going out of it or alert me that that’s happening. is there any way to make it make a noise when you cross over lines without signaling?
I don’t know but I’m shocked it doesn’t give a warning. I was a passenger in a Subaru that was a couple of years old and we were on winding roads and it was constantly beeping.
It should certainly do this if it can see the lanes. Check that LDA (Lane Departure Alert) and its sub-settings are on. With LDA or other lane-related functions enabled, you should see solid white lines rather than grey on the driver assist icon or screen to indicate that it's tracking the lines on either side. Then it should warn you. Some of the main operating conditions required from the manual: The vehicle speed is approximately 30 mph (50 km/h) or more. The system recognizes a lane or course. (When recognized on only one side, the system will operate only for the recognized side.) The lane width is approximately 9.8 ft. (3 m) or more. The turn signal lever is not being operated. The vehicle is not being driven around a sharp curve. The vehicle is not accelerating or decelerating more than a certain amount. The steering wheel is not being turned sufficiently to perform a lane change.
eh do you mean the dashed white lines? mine are dashed…unless you mean the one that has the steering wheel with the horizontal lines ahead of it? that’s the only one with solid lines for me
The central icon with the steering wheel is the thing showing current driver assist state (unless you open the driver assist screen, which replaces it). The edge lines being white or gray indicate whether or not it has the lane tracking needed for LTA, LDA, LCA or PDA, for each side independently. If the edge lines go green, that means the LTA is on or the lane departure prevention is working - it's actively steering based on the lines. * Lines grey, wheel grey: nothing active * Lines white, wheel grey: lanes sensed, no steering aid * Lines white, wheel green: lanes sensed, some steering assist active * Lines green, wheel green: lane tracing or lane departure prevention is steering