Hey, I've had my Seaside 06' Prius since the beggining of February and love it. I was looking at the Coastal ET EV mode kit but ive heard from several people that it can lower your milage so im skeptical of it but im really interested in the Can View system, i went on Coastal ET's site but didnt really understand all the features of it and so I was wondering, What is Can View, what does it show me on the MFD that i normally wouldnt see, how much does it cost and is it worth it, I heard it show a tach and a few other things. So could someone please help me out here. Thanks
Well first it does not yet work with the 06. I understand that is being worked on. The CAN View shows a large number of parameters of the HSD. Go here and look around http://www.hybridinterfaces.ca/index.html I looks very technical but if you hang around you will pick up the terminology and it will begin to make sense. I would recommend downloading or purchasing the book Prius New Car Features. It is an overview of the systems in the car written for many levels from sales staff to technicians though it is an elementary overview for the latter. Great starting point after the users manual. The CAN View lets you get a look at what is going on behind the diagrams you get on the MFD screens.