going camping... thinking of using my Prius to run a fan or something inside tent cause it's going to be very hot this weekend. What kind of power draw limitations do I have? Can it power an average house size fan? What do I need to make this happen? Something like this would work? Foval 300W Power Inverter DC 12V to 110V AC Converter with 4.8A Dual USB Car Charger
You can safely pull 1000 watts (about 80 amps) from the 12v bus when in READY mode. The 12v battery can be quickly drained if you use 12v when your Prius is off. JeffD
There is virtually zero danger of CO poisoning with the car in ready mode. The engine will only start once an hour at the most, and then for a couple of minutes. Put the inverter as close to the 12 volt battery as possible and use an appropriate household extension cord. I use a 750 watt unit from Harbor Freight with an outlet inside the car for coffee, lunchbox oven, 1.5 cup rice cooker, soup warmer, etc. It can also run a power drill, soldering iron, etc. The inverter sits snugly above the under the hood fuse box. I have it wired to control the off/on function from inside the car to avoid patristic drain.
Jeff thank you 80-amps! The reason I reacted is that some new Gen4 folks do not seem to be aware of this potential to get a lot of amps. No reason why Gen4 is different right? Except perhaps less accessible 12v location under the hood.