The vote in the Transportation Committee was 11-0 in favor! Everyone's efforts certainly paid off. The next steps are as follows: The legislation gets forwarded to the Appropriations Commitee, where it will be heard the week of May 17 at the latest. It must be reported out by May 21. (The feeling is that there is not much problem in the appropriations committee since there are virtually no costs that will not be borne by the beneficiaries of the bill.) Once the appropriations committee votes it out, it goes to the floor of the Assembly where it must be voted out by May 28. Assuming it is passed it goes over to the Senate. Similar committee hearings will be held in the Senate. Assuming it passes there too it will go to Gov. Schwartzenegger to sign. Earliest is expected to be in September. It would go into effect 1/1/2005 if the Feds pass the enabling legislation (it is in the energy bill) anytime before the end of the year. Assemblymember Pavley's office asks that we keep up the comments and specifically that people go to her web site and send e-mails to her specifically so that she can include them in the package she takes to the floor of the Assembly. Keep up the good work!