I am in need of having my struts replaced on my 2001 Prius. When I spoke to my mechanic friend that does my oil changes he said he would need a special tool to lick up the the computer to recalibrated the zero torque sensor after the new struts were installed. After looking at the previous post on this subject I dont see any mention of this. Does anyone have any insight for me? Thank you very much.
That can be done using one of the Toyota scantools, or also (if you don't have the tool) by a more low-tech procedure that involves grounding the TS pin at the diagnostic connector under specific circumstances. Both procedures are covered in the shop manual, which you can view with an inexpensive temporary subscription at techinfo.toyota.com. -Chap
This is only necessary when messing around with the steering, such as the steering wheel, steering column, or steering gear.