Hello all, I wanted to let you all know I sold my beautiful 2005 loaded Prius today with 179,000 miles for $8,500. The car looked and ran like new but it was time to replace it as it was 7 years old. The new owner is great guy, I told him about this site and hopefully he will join to learn more about his new car. I had a great time on here and learned a lot. I wish you all the best. I replaced my Prius with a 2012 Kia Optima SX in snow white pearl.
Thanks a lot. I loved my Prius and it never, ever let me down. Alas, it was time to move on after 7 years of smiles. It felt odd seeing it drove off w/o me. I thought $8,500 was a roar price given the condition of the car.
The Optima is a beautiful car and IMO looks best in white. Thanks for being a part of Prius community for so long.
+1...i can see replacing it after, oh say 450 some thousand miles, but you stated it was in like new condition so why did some how lose faith? anything we should know?
My neighbor got that exact same Optima SX in cobalt blue and it looks insanely awesome in that color, congrats for selling your loaded 179K 2005 for $8500, just a few months ago I bought a loaded 41K 2004 for $9500, at that price I had to settle with black, so now I've got 2 Prius and that's just fine as they just predicted $5/gallon fuel prices this summer.