I disagree that they are "eyesores". They may look big in pictures and while you're 1 foot away from them while applying them to your car, but when a Prius goes zipping by in the carpool lane, they're barely noticeable. I wouldn't have said "to stay on the safe side" I would have said, "in accordance with the law."
I agree with JMcPhee. I put them all on because that's what is required to be able to use the HOV lane. I don't find them objectionable in the slightest.
i didn't do the paperwork yet.. and i don't have stickers yet.. but i want stickers... where's my option?
Dont want to do the paper work and go thru the hassel of fast trak. Well Do what I did find a friend that already has the stickers on their car and ask them to resubmit the application for HOV lane stickers instead of checking the box for "new" check the box for "replacement".... I think you see where I am going with this... So your friend still has his stickers on his car and when the replacement's come in your friend hands them over to you.... no sweat..
As long as you are not asked for the registration papers for the stickers that are keyed to your VIN. The good news (I guess) is that you've now left one more set for somebody else. I'm not sure that this is much less hassle than just doing what you're supposed to do, however.
I ordered mine 2 weeks ago, and don't have them yet. My question, why are there so many of them? I heard stickers are worth about 5hp each on "tuner" cars, so are we getting 20 more hp? I (foolishly) waited for my plates to arrive (still haven't since 1/12/06 purchase). I've seen a couple hybrids with HOV stickers/no plates, so I went ahead and mailed my app anyway.
In my commute, HOV access would save 5-10 minutes in 20-30 minutes overall. So I don't feel a big urge to install my set. But you never know what might happen with a job change, company move, etc so I applied. It was only $8 and the $40 Fastrak initial fee is fully refundable. No brainer really.
That is very true my friend, if CHP pulled me over and asked to see my sticker registration I couldn't prove that they are my stickers. But the likely hood.... of being pulled over to be asked specifically for my sticker reg is like 1 in millions. No if I get pulled for speeding and CHP ask for licenses and reg + proof of insurance that I can do.
Um, hitpoints? Horse power? I'm lost. there are 4 of them, one for each side of your car. Makes sense to me...? I purchased my car on 1/6, applied for stickers 1/8. Got stickers 2/3, got plates 2/10. The DMV issues stickers based on your VIN being in their system as "registered to you". Many dealerships have a DMV employee who can register the car to you in the DMV computer system right then and there when you buy it. Others just mail them in the day after you buy the car. I figured that no matter what, My VIN would be in the system WELL before my app got processed in Sacramanto, and I was right. As far as Crayola's suggestion for "borrowing" stickers, you also receive a certificate that MUST be kept with your registration when you receive the stickers. When you get pulled over for speeding, all the CHP needs to do is ask for your DL/Reg/cert, and then compare it to the VIN on your registration, which I assume will be pretty standard once they get used to the Hybrids in the carpool lane. After that, you're busted - probably for carpool violations AND fraud... why would ANYONE not do it the right way for only $8? It's beyond me. V8 Cobra Kid - download and print the application from here:HOV Sticker Application Fill it out, and send it in with your check for $8, and you're done!
I doubt a CHP that is pulling you over for speeding in the commute lane and you have someone else replacement stickers on your car that are not necessarily registered to your vehicle will ask you to see the certification for the carpoolane stickers along with the routine DRL\ Vehicle Reg\Proof of insurance. Again the probability of the CHP asking is 1 in a million. If you are not willing to take that risk or it bothers your conscience that’s fine. (JUST DON’T GET CAUGHT SPEEDING). When you get the time go get your Fas Trak account and wait like everyone else then send in for your own stickers. BUT IF YOU CAN’T WAIT and DONT WANT TO DEAL WITH THE FASTRAK BS. This is an option and it works.
The only reason why I did this is because I was afraid I might miss the cutt-off period and get stuck in the mad rush to apply for your stickers.