First off, I am wondering why the Gen 1 forum is not prominently listed? Should I even be on this site? I replaced the HV batt with a BestHybridBattery, several times, but keep coming up with codes. I'm pretty familiar with P3000 and P3009, but I'm finding little on the internet about C1551. Any advice on my 02'?
i'm not sure if there has ever been an official explanation. you are certainly welcome, but the number of ben 1 owners is definitely falling, and help is getting harder and harder to come by. stay patient, there are still a few expert users here. all the best!
I used to be a Gen 1 owner, and I still have my repair manual. C1551 refers to the voltage reaching the (12 V) "IG" supply input of the power-steering ECU being out of spec. There are three pages on how to troubleshoot, starting on page DI-476 (in my 2001 book, page numbers might shift a bit for 2002). As the Gen 1 becomes more of a rarity, you might want to make sure you have your own access to the repair manuals ( has them online) so you can find your answers when you have the questions. -Chap
Thanks for both replies! My Gen 1 steers just fine. I know the P3000 and P3009 will turn on the triangle, but it sounds like the C1551 is kinda minor and unrelated. Do you agree? If so I will deal with the hybrid battery first and chase down the C1551 fault if it makes sense to resurrect this car, again. With 20-20 hindsight, I should have just tore the HV pack apart again and replaced the leaky blade like last time. Has this been working for others?