Recently picked up my Prius w/75k miles and the ABS and brake lights are both on. Braking is slightly heavy, so assuming there is little or no brake assist. All the codes are c1202, c1252, c1256, c1311, c1313, c1377, c1578. Loud beeping comes on after driving for a few miles and will stay on intermittently. Not sure where to start!
Hi , If you go to your 2009 Repair Manual on (according to @Elektroingenieur, there may also be a way to gain access through your local library; you can search for posts on that), I believe (though I don't have them in front of me) you'll find all those codes in the brake section. What you'll find is, toward the front of the section, a table listing all the codes together, and for each code there's a page number (or a blue "INFO" hyperlink button) to a separate page that just talks about that code and how to proceed. Often those sections for each code will have several pages of troubleshooting steps you can follow to find out what exactly caused that code. For starters, though, just look for something on each code's first page, called the "detection condition". That's what tells you exactly what the computer must have noticed, for it to post that code. The detection condition is different from the short title/fortune cookie phrase that's shown up at the top of the page for the code. Those things aren't as useful as they look. If there were a code C1234 FLUX CAPACITOR, it would be a mistake to think that means you need a new flux capacitor. The key really is to look up the detection condition for the code, then figure out why that condition was detected, and that might or might not turn out to point to the flux capacitor per se. Where this advice can really help is in a situation (like yours) where there are several codes. If you just look up the codes' fortune cookies, you might end up thinking you have some incoherent mishmash of arrows pointing different directions. If, however, you look up the several codes' detection conditions, and then think about why those conditions might have been detected together, you will often find they tell a pretty tight story. -Chap
@ChapmanF Thanks! That was very helpful. I will try to piece together the clues. @SFO I just went to an Advanced Auto Parts and had an employee check them for me. I'm going to order a diagnostic cable and start using Techstream
Here is the workup for c1252 and c1253: Please report back on how you fixed your thrown DTC
Thank you very much, but mi Prius is 2010. I cant find the abs relay. My car have the light on ( abs, brake, vcs, exclamation point) and a beep. The brake pedal is like solid rock. The abs fuses are good.
Oh, my bad. Your profile lists a 2004 (gen2), and you were posting under a gen2 forum 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting.' You might try reposting your request in a Gen3 sub.