Hey all. I am looking to buy a 2012 V with about 165k on the clock. I ran a Techstream health check and pulled only one code (C1241). From what I can gather it seems to throw this code if your 12V battery gets too low. I have no idea when this code was stored but after looking at the service history I can see where the original 12V battery got replaced 6k miles ago. There were no error lights of any kind on the dash when I test drove it. Could this just be a stored code that was never cleared? Anything I should be worried about?
The thought did cross my mind but technically it wasn't my car. The owner was cool with me scanning codes with Techstream as long as I didn't screw the car up. The 12V battery that got replaced was done at the dealership so I am surprised they didn't clear all codes or this is a recurring issue. The odd thing is that the C1241 code almost never comes up all by itself (like it did in my case). Usually it comes up with several additional codes along with it (along with dash error lights). The original 12V battery was in service for 6 years so it was ready to be replaced anyways. I really think the dying 12V battery threw that code and it just stayed there.