Just traded in my 08 Civic sedan for a C3 on Monday. One of the things I've immediately noticed is the amount of bugs hitting my windshield in this car. Has anyone noticed the same? I don't know if the Civic was more aerodynamic or if we're just having an extra "buggy" Spring here in Indy because of the mild Winter.
The car is so quiet that you're sneaking up behind the bugs and they can't hear you coming. Same thing will probably happen with deer, moose and bison. You can honk the horn periodically to alert them of your approach. If you want to.
Question: What's the last thing to go through a mosquito's brain when it hits the windshield" Answer: It's a$$!
Haha. I do so enjoy unusual threads. Yes, chaddyo, I'm in KY and just got a courtesy note yesterday from my doggie daycare (don't laugh!) that due to the warm weather, bugs are already a big problem. They'll be everywhere this year.
True, but that's not all they eat. Just as I went to take this shot, several of the 'splatters' flew away....:twitch:
Mostly I was confused when I got the notice, though it soon made sense. Also, I applaud your use of consonance and alliteration!