BT Tech Plate

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Technical Discussion' started by DFWPrius, May 10, 2007.

  1. DFWPrius

    DFWPrius New Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Hurst, TX
    2007 Prius
    This report is my impression and opinion on the BT Tech stiffing plate, which I installed on my 2007 hatch back model Toyota Prius.

    Background: I am, a privet pilot and aircraft mechanic, I have also sailed and raced small sailboats. As such, the sense of feel I have for how a vehicle handles is somewhat refined. However this report is still at best subjective.

    Garage with level floor, two floor jacks, and large block. I used both jacks on the left side, jacking at the front and rear jack points, large block placed just forward of rear jack for safety. Removed factory plate with socket and ratchet wrench. (Factory bolts installed with very little torque)

    Held new plate in place by hand and started each bolt by hand, used the 6-MM socket by hand to run the all 4 bolts down to finger tight. Torque wrench used in step torque and crisscross pattern, at 15 FTLB, right front, left rear, left front, right rear. 20 FTLB, left front, right rear, right front, left rear. 24 FTLB, right rear, left front, left rear, right front.

    NOTE: Phone call to BT Tech, 24 FTLB is within approved torque ranged, torque wrench used to make sure bolts were tight, torque wrench used to avoid over torque of the bolts. Use of power tools (air impact or battery powered) may result in damage.

    The Prius feels solid, more of a feel of a one-piece rear axel then before.

    Body roll is reduced when entering or exiting a freeway on a cloverleaf ramp, appox: 10% decreased.

    Cross wind handling has a mark improvement:

    Light to medium gusts: (Wind speeds 5 to 10 mph) Slight body roll with the Prius tracking straight, minor or no steering correction needed.

    Heavier gusts: The Prius no longer swerves to the side rapidly, the speed of this action has been reduced by 40 to 50 percent. The need for corrective steering is reduced from aggressive to medium or even mild in reaction speed and the amount of input needed.

    With the plate installed, the Prius has shown no negatives effects. Subjective impressions is, minor improvements in other areas of handling with major gains in the ability of the Prius to handle cross wind conditions
  2. chinalfr2

    chinalfr2 Member

    Mar 23, 2007
    New England
    2007 Prius