Has there been any indication that another Entune update for the 2012's is coming out? We got one in summer of last year. The reason I ask is because I have a 2012 Plug-in. I know that I can't browse playlists/artist/songs/etc on my iPhone when connected via bluetooth. I thought that this was a limitation of bluetooth. However, I rented a 2012 RAV4-EV back in January and it's premium audio/navigation system was able to browse things over bluetooth without a problem. So I know it's possible. I recently rented a regular 2013 Prius 2 that had the base display audio unit (no navigation, but does have the touch screen. This unit was also able to browse the iPhone's. So it doesn't appear to be a limitation of the hardware, but a software issue. I'm hoping that an update to the the software will give us this feature.
I really should do a search on the site before posting a question. It appears that there's a TSB that updates the Entune software. And it addresses some of the quirks with the system I have. It doesn't indicate if my specific issue (browsing via blueetoth) is addressed, but the next time I have the car in for service, I'll have them do the update. I'm annoyed that they didn't bother to check for an update to Entune the last time I had the car in (which was less than a month ago).
This is not a matter of being able to see Artist/Song/Artwork over bluetooth. That's been available since day one with the car. It's the ability to browse the iPod/iPhone via bluetooth that I'm hoping for with the new software. I have an appointment scheduled for tuesday for the new Entune/Navigation software to be loaded.
what came of this? i thought the whole point of last year's update was to enable over-the-air updating going forward and removing the need to haul your car to the dealer for this crap?
Unfortunately, browsing of playlists/artist/etc was not enabled with the update to 2.2.0 software. :-( It did, however fix at least one annoying problem I had with the map stuck in daytime mode despite the headlights being on. Basically if you start the car with the headlights on, and the MFD set to Audio (or any other screen other than Map), and then you start the Navigation App, the Map will use the daytime settings for it. Large swaths of the map will be lit in white, green, or yellow. If the headlights are on, the Map is supposed to switch to nighttime mode where only the roads are visible on the screen for the most part. This mode reduces any glare that you might get on the windshield, and helps preserve the driver's night vision by cutting down on the amount of ambient light in the cabin. I had to practically twist the dealer's arm to get them to do the update by demonstrating the above problem.
Oh yeah I've seen that. Funny bug. Though, I have to say, the colors in night mode are ridiculous. You can't see anything.