Hello all, I'm a long time lurker but today is time for my first post. I'm an original owner of a 2014 Toyota prius three. I was driving my Prius in San Francisco, and while making a left turn I heard a pop and then lost control of the vehicle. I got out to see what had happened and it appears the bolt that attaches the inner tie rod snapped cleanly in half. I've driven many vehicles in my life, and have never seen a break on a bolt as clean as this. I can't imagine how tragic this could have ended if this happened while driving on the highway. My question, is this something that I am responsible for? Or is this something Toyota should take responsibility for? The fact that this is not a common problem makes me believe that the bolt was defective. Additionally, it appears there is some rust around the bolt as well, meaning the bolt rusted away. I'm now concerned with rust underneath my vehicle - which is strange because I live in California where rust is not a common problem. Could anyone help guide me through the proper channels to get this fixed without a dent to my wallet?
I would expect the cost for the part to be less than $100 plus perhaps $200 labour (alignment will be necessary). You're worried about a $300 bill? The part may well have been subjected to excess stress while the car was tied down for shipping from Japan, or while on a "car carrier". Or even if you hit a curb or parking lot lamp base (lots of tire marks on the ones in my local mall). You are still within the warranty period. Ask your local dealer. You have a 50/50 chance.
Based on the pictures, the lower control arm has been replaced before, but using OE parts. The factory control arm does not come with the part number label in that picture. Has your vehicle been in an accident before? My guess is that either the inner tie rod saw an impact (which caused it to weaken), or what is more likely....is that someone performed an alignment on the car and overtightened the jam nut.