Hello, I have a phone, internet, TV package from Comcast cable. All three went down one night and I called by cell phone and they said they would credit me a day, should have been 4-5 dollars. I just went to pay my bill and it is was twenty dollars less. The service was down less than twenty minutes at about 1 am and a few days later it went down for about two minutes in the afternoon. I only reported the single interruption. So I am thinking there may be service interuptions without my knowledge. I am looking for a device or computer software that could monitor a service interuption and record the date, time and length. I then call in the info to Comcast and get credits for my bill. Any suggestions on how to do this?
The thought of having Comcast as my phone provider sends shivers down my spine. I would become a neurotic mess wondering if I am missing important phone calls because Comcast went down once again. :blink: I don't blame you for wanting to monitor the frequency of Comcast interruptions, but really, do yourself a favor . . . GET ANOTHER TELEPHONE PROVIDER!