If there is some info in the first attachment (probably a youtube?) please write it because I cannot view. Bioluminescence is widespread in squid. Unlike the flies, beetles and mushrooms that do it on land, and dinoflagellates at sea, squid form symbioses with glowing bacteria. How they get the right bacteria on board and not others has been the topic of much research. Squid also do the color-change thing, all on their own. As a group they are too amazing to actually contemplate. Risk of head explosion
I'm thinking a white LED in bait. The jelly fish 'took the bait' and the LED made it glow . . . very nicely. Bob Wilson
Squids...they really are 'out there' Female Squid Put on Fake Testes to Avoid Male Advances | LiveScience
First, the bad news - even canny PC readers can be taken in: 'Alien-like creature' revealed as PR stunt - Telegraph But the good news is that squids really do a lot of amazing things. If threads like this get people interested in the magnificent weirdness of biology, then I don't care if they are started by hoaxes or whatever.
I know the Humbolt Squid is bioluminescent... I saw em change colors when we hooked em... they were telling their buddies they wanted help.